Group Time Tree: Patton Y-DNA Project
Group Time Tree: Patton Y-DNA Project
The Group Time Tree shows a genetic family tree of direct paternal lineages on a time scale. It shows how Big Y tested members of Group Projects are related to each other and when their shared ancestors are estimated to have lived.
The information shown about each project member is self-reported and can be changed in Account Settings. This report is updated on a weekly basis.
Select one or more Subgroups to show how those project members are related to each other on their direct paternal lines. Subgroups are managed by the Project Administrators.
Project Subgroups (20)
Members (29)
E M96>P177>P2>V38>M2>M4901>Z5995 ~11,000 BCE >SK717>FTD48631 ~1650 CE > Kit #34391 BIG Y700 (5 PV)
I1 M253>Y7140 ~150 BCE >Y7477 ~150 BCE >FGC53704>BY7158>YP1084>BY51170>FTB95657 ~1800 CE > Kit #966604 BIG Y700 (PV FTB96207) Kit #99787 BIG Y700 (PV FTD26164)
I1 M253>Z17924>DF112>A8090>FT80974>A18294 ~1000 CE >A18301 ~1700 CE > Kit #211677 BIG Y700 (PV FTA27127)
R1b M269>P312>DF27>Z195 ~2600 BCE >Z198 ~2500 BCE >BY164732>FT102531>FT100948>FT101899 ~1500 CE >FT102438 ~1650 CE > Kit #884278 BIG Y700 (4 PV)
R1b M269>P312>DF27>Z195>Z274>DF17~1700 BCE>CTS13028>FT44718>FGC14113>BY88909>C116317~1450 BCE >FT118887> #878820 BIG Y700 (25 PVs)
R1b M269>P312>L21>A212>A7699>A6525>A7756>A9513 ~1550 CE > Kit IN16219 BIG Y700 (3 PV)
R1b M269>P312>L21>FGC11293>BY23383>BY178937 ~1500 CE > Kit #B622740 BIG Y700 (4 PV) Kit #903427 BIG Y700 (4 PV)
R1b M269>P312>L21>FGC11293>BY23383>BY178937 ~1500 CE >FTB16963 > Kit #237233 BIG Y700 (3 PV) L930 neg
R1b M269>P312>L21>FGC11293>BY23383>BY178937 ~1500 CE >FTB16963>L930 ~1850 CE > Kit #B54273 BIG Y7 (2 PV) #954144 Y7 (1 PV) #501935 Y7 (0 PV) NOTE: L930 found in Hap E1, J, R1b
R1b M269>P312>L21>FGC5572>FGC5586>A40>FGC5585>FGC5595 ~900 CE > BIG Y700 (7 PV)
R1b M269>P312>L21>L513 ~1900 BCE > FGC75767>S8124>BY4794 ~700 CE >FGC46414 ~1650 CE > #337885 BIG Y700 (0 PV) #325955 BIG Y700 (1 PV)
R1b M269>P312>L21>L513>BY2940>BY2979>BY11167>BY78912 ~1100 CE >BY78912 ~1450 CE > BIG Y700 (2 PV) 0/67 Patten match not in this project
R1b M269>P312>L21>L513>Z16340>FGC9798>FGC9784>FGC9811>Z20655 ~800 CE > BIG Y500 (7 PV)
R1b M269>P312>L21>Z2183>L1066>BY14605>Y90771>BY43825>FTE67021 ~1100 CE >BY3465>FTE30873 ~1450 CE > Kit #IN131904 BIG Y700 (7 PV)
R1b M269>P312>L21>Z2183>L1066>BY14605>Y90771>BY43825>FTE67021 ~1100 CE >BY3465>FTE30873>FTE31520 ~1806 CE Stockport ENG to NZ > all BIG Y700 #IN124153 (0 PV) #IN94988 (1 PV) #N132244 (3 PV)
R1b M269>P312>L21>Z2183>L1066>BY14605>Y90771>BY43825>FTE67021 ~1100 CE >BY3465>FTE90049 ~1800 CE > #1005422 BIG Y700 (0 PV) #356317 BIG Y700 (2 PV)
R1b M269>P312>L21>Z2183>L1066>BY14605>Y90771>BY43825>FTE67021 ~1100 CE >FTE57200 ~1900 CE> Kit #952699 BIG Y700 (0 PV), Kit #1012797(0 PV) 1700s Vermont >1800s NY
R1b M269>P312>U152>FT69443>FT69736>Y60298 ~200 BCE > BIG Y700 (14 PV)
R1b M269>U106>L48>Z326>CTS2509>FGC23165>BY160931>BY162272 ~1400 CE > Kit 34695 BIG Y7 (5 PV)
All Contents Copyright 2022-2025 Gene by Gene, Ltd.